- To be the advocate and voice of all our members and residents in Golf Village
- To maintain an Association that will work collaboratively with the park owners for the benefit of Golf Village residents
- To strive to make life pleasurable and fun for all Golf Village residents
Remember, HOA membership is NOT AUTOMATIC, either because you are a SLGV homeowner or because you “used to be” a member. To become a member, you need to join and pay your annual $10 membership dues. Your membership must then be RENEWED each year.
- If you want to speak your mind at the meetings, you need to be a member
- If you want to vote on HOA issues, you need to be a member
- If you want to receive member update emails, you need to be a member
- If you want to receive discounts on HOA activities, you need to be a member
- If you want to be a part of making the HOA as vibrant, helpful and meaningful as possible, you need to be a member
- If you want to help make Spanish Lakes-Golf Village a better place to live, you need to be a member